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You have agreed to donate the amount of $0 to The Warren & Maureen Spitz Family Foundation.

This charge will appear on your credit card from Gift Funds Canada which is the organization that manages donations on behalf of The Warren & Maureen Spitz Family Foundation.

Gift Funds Canada guarantees your security when donating online. Your data is being transmitted via SSL encryption and handled confidentially on our secure systems. We DO NOT store or save your credit card information. It it used only for the purposes of completing the transaction and then immediately forgotten.

You have agreed to donate the amount of $0 to The Warren & Maureen Spitz Family Foundation.

This charge will appear on your credit card from Gift Funds Canada which is the organization that manages donations on behalf of The Warren & Maureen Spitz Family Foundation.

The Warren & Maureen Spitz Family Foundation

The Foundation aims to create a clear pathway for Indigenous women to pursue a Bachelor of Commerce at the Sauder School of Business, by eliminating financial barriers to success and fostering the conditions for each student to become the leader she envisions herself to be, in both the Sauder and wider community.